Synergy WorldWide Blog

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Synergy WorldWide Blog

Ironman Competitor Triumphs with Synergy Products

Posted: 30 Nov 2015 09:38 AM PST

On a surprisingly cold and windy day in Tempe, Ariz., 51-year-old Synergy Team Member Xavier Marin plunged into Tempe Town Lake with hundreds of elite athletes to compete in his first IRONMAN triathlon in 10 years.

"The start of the swim is crazy for everyone," Xavier said. "There is so much anxiety, so much energy. People are grabbing each other. When I finished the swim I couldn't wait to get on my bike. I felt strong when I was biking and steady when I was running."

Thirteen hours and 11 minutes after he took off from the starting line, Xavier triumphantly crossed the IRONMAN Arizona finish line, which means he swam 2.4 miles, biked 112 miles, and ran 26.2 miles. Racers aren't allowed any outside support, including headphones, which makes completing an IRONMAN both a mental and physical fete., The 6 ½ pounds Xavier lost on race day proves it.

Despite the sleet and rain, Xavier was able to keep the pace he maintained in the half Ironman he completed a few months before. He was even able to shave two hours off of his best time, proving that optimal health is attainable at any age. As a public speaker, life coach, general contractor, and father of two, Xavier knows how to take action to bring a vision to life.

"It was a year ago that I committed myself to be in my best shape of my life," Xavier said. "I've been in great shape in the past, but I wasn't into nutrition. I trained through the year with SLMsmart Health Shake, ProArgi-9+, ProArgi-9+ Active, the V3 System, and e9."

In his late 40s, Xavier said he was slower than he had ever been and figured old age was beginning to set in. When Xavier began taking Synergy products, he discovered improved endurance, the energy to push his body to go faster, and a timely recovery after training, which led him to believe that he was missing key nutritional elements in earlier training.

It was high priority that Xavier packed e9, ProArgi-9+, and ProArgi-9+ Active for race day. He took ProArgi-9+ Active and e9 before the race and then ProArgi-9+ and e9 once every three hours throughout the 13-hour stint.

"The body is an amazing thing," Xavier said, "you just have to take care of it. Mentally, people start telling themselves they are getting older. Before the race, people were asking, 'are you sure you can get this done?' And I told them there is no way I'm not going to get it done."

Xavier will add his Ironman victory to the many stories he uses to inspire others to take action on the things they want out of life. If you are an athlete that wants a cutting edge, Synergy will help you sustain, endure, and recover.

"Now, I really want to get the word out there to athletes about Synergy products," Xavier said. "It has always been marketed to people with ailments, but it can actually provide real and impactful benefits to serious and recreational athletes. If you are an athlete that wants a cutting edge, Synergy will help you sustain, endure, and recover."

UBF Power Slim

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UBF Power Slim
Product Code: PID40
Category: Detox Package

Rp. 4.523.000 ( dapatkan harga terbaik call / wa 081999650025 / bbm pin: 518618e6 )

Pagi – di saat anda biasa sarapan
5 ml Liquid Chlorophyll di campur dengan 250 -300 ml air mineral
Diminum bersama – sama dengan 3 kapsul Spirulina
2 Scop Nutriburst + 1/2 hingga 1 scop Maximum Protein campurkan dalam shaker hingga merata atau di blender dengan buah pilihan seperti stroberi, sedikit pisang atau sedikit melon. 
Tidak disarankan mixed juice
1 cap collostrum bisa diminum bersamaan dengan juice ini
Campurkan 1 sachet Proargi-9 kedalam shaker dengan 300ml air mineral dan diminum pelan2 selama beraktifitas layaknya minum air mineral biasa.

Siang – di saat anda biasa makan siang
30 menit sebelum makan siang campurkan 5ml Liquid Chlorophyll dengan 250 -300 ml air mineral diminum bersama dengan 3 caps spirulina
Silahkan makan siang seperti biasa
Untuk hasil yang lebih optimal bisa porsi makan siang anda bisa dikurangi asupan karbohidrat dan digantikan dengan sayuran berserat, hindari gorengan, lemak, santan & jeroan

Malam – di saat anda biasa makan malam
5 ml Liquid Chlorophyll di campur dengan 250 -300 ml air mineral
diminum bersama – sama dengan 3 kapsul Spirulina
2 Scop Nutriburst + 1/2 hingga 1 scop Maximum Protein campurkan dalam shaker hingga merata atau di blender dengan buah pilihan seperti stroberi, sedikit pisang atau sedikit melon. 
Tidak disarankan mixed juice
1 cap collostrum bisa diminum bersamaan dengan juice ini
Untuk malam hari sebaiknya Proargi-9 diminum dengan protokol anti aging yaitu 30-40 menit sebelum tidur
Campurkan 1 sachet Proargi-9 kedalam shaker dengan 300ml air mineral dan diminum pelan2 senyaman mungkin sebelum tidur.

Saran lainnya
Untuk lebih membuat program detox ini mampu manhan rasa lapar lebih lama sebaiknya maximum protein di shake di botol shaker dan diminum pelan-pelan atau bisa dibawa sambil beratifitas di kantor.
Sebaiknya ketika mengkonsumsi nutrisi detox ini tidak dilakukan tergesa – gesa untuk menghindari perut terasa kembung dan tidak nyaman.
Jika masih terasa lapar di sela-sela jadwal detox silahkan tambahkan porsi Maximum Protein atau Spirulina. Atau silahkan mengkonsumsi buah kaya serat seperti pear atau water melon. Info detail tentang Maximum Protein silahkan lihat di product nutrition.
Untuk hasil yang lebih OPTIMAL disarankan untuk detox malam hari, ProArgi-9 dikonsumsi 30-40 menit sebelum tidur
Untuk mengecilkan ukuran pinggang, paha & lengan silahkan hubungi konsultan anda untuk mendapatkan info tentang pemakain produk tambahan seperti Mistica dan Radiance. Lihat menu product Nutrition untuk info lebih detail.
Jika ada keluhan selama menjalankan Program Detox silahkan hubungi konsultan detox anda
Disarankan untuk mengkonsumsi air minum minimal 8 gelas sehari
Jika selama program detox, anda berolah raga sebaiknya Maximum Protein dan ProaArgi-9 diminum 30 menit sebelum olga untuk mendapatkan pembakaran lemak yang lebih banyak.
3-4 hari dari awal mulai program jika tubuh sudah terbiasa dengan pola makan nutrisi atau pada siang hari anda tidak merasa lapar lagi, sebaiknya bisa mulai dengan detox full yaitu menggantikan 3 kali meal anda dengan 3x nutrisi detox untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih optimal.
Jika anda memiliki masalah dengan rendahnya immun atau sering alergi silahkan tambahkan porsi Collostrum menjadi 2 caps atau 3 caps sekali minum dan teruskan mengkonsumsi untuk maintenance jika program detox telah usai
Jika selama program anda mengalami pusing berkepanjangan, kesemutan, konsentasi berkurang dll yang menandakan rendahnya kadar gula dalam darah silahkan segera mengkonsumsi air gula hangat yang diteruskan dengan asupan sedikit nasi.
Jika anda punya maslah maag, kami sarankan agar menambah produk Noni Plus untuk membantu kesembuhan maag anda. Dan diminum di sela – sela detox pagi dengan siang dan siang dengan malam. Cukup 10ml campur dengan 100ml air mineral atau kepekatannya diseuaikan selera anda.
Jika ada produk yang habis terlebih dahulu dari yang lainnya selama program silahkan menghubungi konsultannya kembali untuk mendapatkan produk yang dimaksud
Untuk tujuan turun berat badan, mengurangi ukuran lingkar pinggang, paha dan lengan sebaiknya sebelum melakukan program detox101 ini anda melakukan pengukuran BB juga 3 lingkar tersebut dan setiap 2 hari sekali dipantau perkembanganya.
Sebaiknya membuat photo testimoni sebelum menjalankan program detox101 ini dengan tampak depan, samping dan belakang sebagai motivasi diri agar selalu taat dan teratur sesuai aturan program.
Detox dengan tujuan menjaga kesehatan atau mengurangi keluhan kesehatan sangat bisa menjalankan program detox101 ini setiap 5-6 bulan sekali dan setiap harinya menjaga kesehatan dengan Vital3 yaitu Liquid Chlorophyll, Mistica dan ProArgi-9
Detox dengan tujuan penyembuhan karena ada keluhan kesehatan yang serius bisa menghubungi kami untuk kami konsultasikan langsung ke dokter perusahaan

Selamat menjalankan program detox101

Synergy Indonesia National Summit 2015 on TVONE

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Synergy Indonesia National Summit 2015 on TVONE 


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Synergy WorldWide Blog - Singapore & Malaysia

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Synergy WorldWide Blog - Singapore & Malaysia

Join us to congratulate our latest Team Leader and Team Manager in Malaysia

Posted: 25 Nov 2015 01:02 AM PST

ProArgi-9+: Clinically Studied, Scientifically Validated

Posted: 25 Nov 2015 12:53 AM PST

Scientists at the Hughes Center for Research and Innovation have made several remarkable discoveries on Synergy's ProArgi-9+ formula, showing that ProArgi-9+ can do what l-arginine cannot do on its own. Following these discoveries, a provisional patent has been filed in the United States to ensure that Synergy maintains exclusive rights to this iconic formula.

Dr. Matthew Tripp, the company's Chief Scientific Officer who oversees the Hughes Center clinics, shared some insights into their discoveries:

"Numerous studies have shown the cardiovascular benefits of l-arginine. However, our preliminary in vitro and human studies showed that the unique combination of ingredients in our ProArgi-9+ formula enhances the effects of L-arginine within the body in several ways."

DISCOVERY 1: RAPID INCREASE OF NITRIC OXIDE The body converts the amino acid l-arginine into nitric oxide to support healthy circulatory and cardiovascular function. Although l-arginine alone can increase the surrogate marker of saliva nitric oxide, this is a gradual process. In testing ProArgi-9+, it has been found that its formula significantly and rapidly increases the level of nitric oxide in the body. The findings of this study are significant because other studies show that aging and poor diet can affect the metabolic systems responsible for producing nitric oxide, causing them to work less effectively. Healthy nitric oxide levels are important for proper vasodilation, along with blood pressure, muscle, heart and central nervous system function*.

DISCOVERY 2: INHIBITS MYELOPEROXIDASE. Previous studies have shown that l-arginine, by itself, has no significant effect on myeloperoxidase, an enzyme that inhibits nitric oxide production. Additionally, l-arginine has no significant influence on inhibiting the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. The Hughes Center's preliminary study discovered that the unique combination of ingredients found in Synergy's ProArgi-9+ potently inhibited myeloperoxidase and helps to reduce the oxidation of LDL cholesterol.

More details about ProArgi-9+ here!

Are Synergy Products Organic?

Posted: 25 Nov 2015 12:42 AM PST

When it comes to nutritional supplements, you deserve superior quality. One of the most frequent product questions we answer in our Customer Service department and on our manufacturing tours is, "Are Synergy products organic?"

As many of you may know, the term "organic" refers to a plant growing method that does not use synthetic chemicals. The extensive farm audits and raw material testing our quality control team performs ensures that all of our herbs and raw materials meet organic standards. Because of our strict internal testing, we do not pursue third party organic certification for any of our finished products. The organic certification process is primarily for marketing purposes.

When applicable, our purchasing department will look for organic-certified ingredients. However, several ingredients are not candidates for organic certification. Plants that are wild-crafted are not grown on farms, and hence cannot be certified organic. We obtain several herbs from outside of the U.S., and very few countries outside the U.S. have any kind of standard for organic certification. We only partner with suppliers that meet our strict quality standards. The extensive inspections and audits our teams conduct on each supplier and their products ensures that our herbs meet organic standards.

When you purchase from Synergy WorldWide, you are guaranteed products with no residue from fertilizers, pesticides or other types of contamination.

Remember, if an independent organization has a product with an organic certification, this certification does not necessarily mean the product contains high quality ingredients. Organic items can still be contaminated through water sources unknown to the growers. The real proof is in the testing, which Synergy conducts according to the strictest quality assurance practices in the industry.

You can be sure that we provide the highest quality products with the highest purity standards.

SLMsmart Challenge Finalist Coaches Group to Success

Posted: 25 Nov 2015 12:41 AM PST

Soon after Tommy Bethards' SLMsmart 90-day Challenge results were unveiled at Business Builder Conference 2015, he set out to create a challenge of his own to share the knowledge he gained about weight management, muscle building, and simply living better.

Tommy, a Team Elite from California and father of four, lost a substantial amount of weight during the 90-day Challenge that Synergy hosted February through May of 2015. He changed his diet to focus on vegetables and proteins, exercised six days per week following the SLMsmart app's workout plan, and incorporated Synergy products into his regime.

If you've seen Tommy's transformation video, then it's not hard to believe that his 90-day Challenge group practically created itself. Friends and acquaintances from years past contacted him eager to know more about his transformation.

"A lot of people who saw my photos probably thought, 'Well, if Tommy can do it, I can do it,'" Tommy said. "It all begins with your own transformation. Everyone you know will become interested. When you know the person who has transformed, it becomes real and you trust the system."

Tommy started with a group of 18 new customers who knew little about Synergy. He structured many aspects of the challenge he organized based on the challenge he participated in. Cash prizes would be awarded to the Top 3 participants with the most dramatic overall transformations. Everyone who participated purchased the Weight Management Elite Pack, and downloaded the free SLMsmart app for their workout schedule and nutrition plan. Tommy also created a closed Facebook group where participants could support each other in their struggles and triumphs in adhering to the program. Tommy used the page to post encouraging videos that instructed challenge participants to be wary of holiday treats, to snack smarter, and to mix up their exercise routines.

"My hope was that after the challenge the participants would feel the way I did and start their own challenges, making the challenge itself a business they could earn commissions on," Tommy said. "I hoped that this additional income would open their eyes to Synergy's business opportunities and it did. Some of the people coming out of this challenge are eager to coach the next challenge that begins January 1, 2016, while others are ready to become Synergy distributors."

Now, let's hear from the Top 3 challenge winners:



"I saw Tommy's weight management results over the summer and sent him a message asking, 'What the heck did you do?' He was hardly recognizable. Tommy told me about the challenge and my wife and I both jumped in. The first day, we were supposed to lift weights, but ended up doing the workout lifting cans of food instead. My wife worked every ounce as hard as I did. I lost a significant amount of weight and put on quite a bit of muscle. I used ProArgi-9+ and Calorie Burner before workouts and took another Calorie Burner at lunch. I took Body Cleanse once a month and really enjoyed drinking Health Shake for breakfasts. I am a huge fan of the Facebook group Tommy set up. It made me competitive, but it was also fun to support everyone else. You genuinely started to care about others' success as well as your own.

I travel a bit for work and I liked the idea that by following the 90-day Challenge nutrition plan I could make healthy decisions no matter where I was. I've maintained all of the habits I created during the challenge. It has made me more deliberate and proactive in the decisions I make to preserve my health. I'm not a fitness nut, just a normal guy. That being said, this system is the real thing. This experience has been life-altering. I wake up every day with more energy; it's a feeling that's hard to describe."



"If I could describe the first week in one word, it would be 'hell.' Not because of the program, but because of my uncontrollable sweet tooth. It was my birthday that week and people were giving me chocolate cake, chocolate covered fruit—the sweets just kept coming! Somehow, I made it through as the cake server and didn't eat any. The cool thing about Tommy's challenge was he had a closed Facebook group and posted a video telling us we would be tempted that week, and then had us post photos of the food that was tempting us. This somehow made it easier to pass up the foods I wanted to eat.

I really like SLMsmart Health Shake and I took ProArgi-9+ before my workouts. I found that I had a lot of energy during my workouts and was able to push harder through them. Toward the end of the challenge, I went mountain biking with some of my buddies and beat everyone to the top of this hill that they normally stopped on top of to wait for me. In the end, I couldn't believe my results. It has been 22 years since I've been less than 200 lbs. Everything this challenge taught me made sense, which is why I had success. Now, I'm looking forward to becoming a SLMsmart coach in the January round. It has been an amazing transformation and reprogramming for me, which is why I'm stoked to keep it going."



"The first week of the challenge was a challenge. There were multiple birthdays and it was the week of the 4th of July. But I stuck to my plan and I lost weight in the first week because of the changes I made to my diet and my daily exercise plan. This huge victory motivated me to keep at it. I followed the SLMsmart app faithfully, which had me doing high-intensity interval training. As I got into better shape, I started to run in the morning and at night. I drank SLMsmart Health Shake for breakfast or had something that was high in protein. When I felt 'snacky' at night I used SLMsmart Crave Control. My clothes continued to fit more and more loosely. When the challenge ended and I put my before-and-after photos next to each other and couldn't believe what I had accomplished in such a short amount of time. When you change the way you eat, do the workouts, and take the supplements, it works, and it works fast. This challenge not only changed my habits, it changed my family's habits."

Video Report: Ensuring Efficacy at the Hughes Center

Posted: 25 Nov 2015 12:39 AM PST

Dr. Matthew Tripp reports from the Hughes Center for Research and Innovation to discuss how the center contributes to the safety and efficacy of Synergy's product offering.

Stay tuned for more video updates, featuring innovation at the Hughes Center, quality science from our labs and clinics, and the latest news from Synergy WorldWide. Remember, you can access a library of Synergy videos by clicking the "Videos" tab at the top of the page.

Liquid chlorophyllplus clorophyllplus kloropilplus synergy

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Rincian liquid clorophyllplus  (suplemen klorofil, cairan) 
Simpan dalam lemari es setelah membuka botol. Anda harus mengguncang/ setiap kali sebelum makan 
Klorofil murni Membantu Anda? Dari pengalaman pengguna - konsumen di seluruh dunia. 
Suatu kesimpulan menarik dari klorofil 
- membantu membersihkan darah 
- membantu membersihkan hati. Terapi adjuvant pada pasien dengan hepatitis
 - tubuh Iron 
- merevitalisasi lelah dari kelelahan
 - menurunkan tekanan darah. Mengurangi stenosis arteri 
- mengurangi kadar gula bagi penderita diabetes
 - meringankan alergi, asma, alergi, ruam, gatal-gatal dan menghilang secara bertahap mereda 
- asam mengemudi dari berbagai penyebab nyeri sendi. Nyeri tubuh mereda dan 
 - racun dari dalam tubuh. Residu antibiotik Residu pestisida dalam makanan Kekebalan tubuh makan yang baik, sehat, segar 
- mencegah dan menekan pertumbuhan sel kanker dan meningkatkan sel darah merah
 - masalah sembelit. Ekskretoris up Lega wasir dan menyembuhkan
 - deodorant, bau kaki, bau mulut dan bau kaus kaki terutama pria - solusi mati rasa. Pembengkakan dan varises harus dimitigasi 
- penuaan membuat berdiri terakhir
 - menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri. Pengobatan kronis luka, borok, eksim, luka bakar, luka, lecet, radang gusi, ulkus di mulut, peradangan tenggorokan menggunakan bubuk klorofil ditaburkan di luka. Luka akan lebih cepat sembuh 
- umum kepala bantuan. Migrain
 - membantu memecahkan masalah penyembuhan luka, penyakit radang usus
 - masalah dengan jerawat, nyeri haid. Menstruasi tidak normal
 - pengendalian berat badan, penurunan berat badan kolesterol klorat dalam darah 
- mempengaruhi kesehatan mata pada orang dengan katarak. Mengaktifkan visibilitas yang lebih baik
 - nutrisi menyuburkan rambut. Abu-abu hitam rambut Membantu mengurangi kerontokan rambut
 - mengurangi titik mabuk 

Google: cairan klorofil grosir..

#clorophyllplus #plus #synergyclorophyllplus #orderclorophyll #asamlambung #migrain #nyerihaid #darahkotor #pembersihalami 
Jika Anda tertarik order pesan ..
Untuk info lebih lanjut :
Wa/VB/LINE/📞📩: +6281999650025
Bb  PIN:518618E6
Bbm pin:detoxsww


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Synergy WorldWide Blog

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Synergy WorldWide Blog

Video Report: Ensuring Efficacy at the Hughes Center

Posted: 23 Nov 2015 07:00 AM PST

Dr. Matthew Tripp reports from the Hughes Center for Research and Innovation to discuss how the center contributes to the safety and efficacy of Synergy's product offering.

Stay tuned for more video updates, featuring innovation at the Hughes Center, quality science from our labs and clinics, and the latest news from Synergy WorldWide. Remember, you can access a library of Synergy videos by clicking the "Videos" tab at the top of the page.

Chlorophyll plus synergy indonesia info

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Synergy WorldWide Blog

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Synergy WorldWide Blog

SLMsmart Challenge Finalist Coaches Group to Success

Posted: 20 Nov 2015 12:29 PM PST

Soon after Tommy Bethards' SLMsmart 90-day Challenge results were unveiled at Business Builder Conference 2015, he set out to create a challenge of his own to share the knowledge he gained about weight management, muscle building, and simply living better.

Tommy, a Team Elite from California and father of four, lost a substantial amount of weight during the 90-day Challenge that Synergy hosted February through May of 2015. He changed his diet to focus on vegetables and proteins, exercised six days per week following the SLMsmart app's workout plan, and incorporated Synergy products into his regime.

If you've seen Tommy's transformation video, then it's not hard to believe that his 90-day Challenge group practically created itself. Friends and acquaintances from years past contacted him eager to know more about his transformation.

"A lot of people who saw my photos probably thought, 'Well, if Tommy can do it, I can do it,'" Tommy said. "It all begins with your own transformation. Everyone you know will become interested. When you know the person who has transformed, it becomes real and you trust the system."

Tommy started with a group of 18 new customers who knew little about Synergy. He structured many aspects of the challenge he organized based on the challenge he participated in. Cash prizes would be awarded to the Top 3 participants with the most dramatic overall transformations. Everyone who participated purchased the Weight Management Elite Pack, and downloaded the free SLMsmart app for their workout schedule and nutrition plan. Tommy also created a closed Facebook group where participants could support each other in their struggles and triumphs in adhering to the program. Tommy used the page to post encouraging videos that instructed challenge participants to be wary of holiday treats, to snack smarter, and to mix up their exercise routines.

"My hope was that after the challenge the participants would feel the way I did and start their own challenges, making the challenge itself a business they could earn commissions on," Tommy said. "I hoped that this additional income would open their eyes to Synergy's business opportunities and it did. Some of the people coming out of this challenge are eager to coach the next challenge that begins January 1, 2016, while others are ready to become Synergy distributors."

Now, let's hear from the Top 3 challenge winners:



"I saw Tommy's weight management results over the summer and sent him a message asking, 'What the heck did you do?' He was hardly recognizable. Tommy told me about the challenge and my wife and I both jumped in. The first day, we were supposed to lift weights, but ended up doing the workout lifting cans of food instead. My wife worked every ounce as hard as I did. I lost a significant amount of weight and put on quite a bit of muscle. I used ProArgi-9+ and Calorie Burner before workouts and took another Calorie Burner at lunch. I took Body Cleanse once a month and really enjoyed drinking Health Shake for breakfasts. I am a huge fan of the Facebook group Tommy set up. It made me competitive, but it was also fun to support everyone else. You genuinely started to care about others' success as well as your own.

I travel a bit for work and I liked the idea that by following the 90-day Challenge nutrition plan I could make healthy decisions no matter where I was. I've maintained all of the habits I created during the challenge. It has made me more deliberate and proactive in the decisions I make to preserve my health. I'm not a fitness nut, just a normal guy. That being said, this system is the real thing. This experience has been life-altering. I wake up every day with more energy; it's a feeling that's hard to describe."



"If I could describe the first week in one word, it would be 'hell.'  Not because of the program, but because of my uncontrollable sweet tooth. It was my birthday that week and people were giving me chocolate cake, chocolate covered fruit—the sweets just kept coming! Somehow, I made it through as the cake server and didn't eat any. The cool thing about Tommy's challenge was he had a closed Facebook group and posted a video telling us we would be tempted that week, and then had us post photos of the food that was tempting us. This somehow made it easier to pass up the foods I wanted to eat.

I really like SLMsmart Health Shake and I took ProArgi-9+ before my workouts. I found that I had a lot of energy during my workouts and was able to push harder through them. Toward the end of the challenge, I went mountain biking with some of my buddies and beat everyone to the top of this hill that they normally stopped on top of to wait for me. In the end, I couldn't believe my results. It has been 22 years since I've been less than 200 lbs. Everything this challenge taught me made sense, which is why I had success. Now, I'm looking forward to becoming a SLMsmart coach in the January round. It has been an amazing transformation and reprogramming for me, which is why I'm stoked to keep it going."



"The first week of the challenge was a challenge. There were multiple birthdays and it was the week of the 4th of July. But I stuck to my plan and I lost weight in the first week because of the changes I made to my diet and my daily exercise plan. This huge victory motivated me to keep at it. I followed the SLMsmart app faithfully, which had me doing high-intensity interval training. As I got into better shape, I started to run in the morning and at night. I drank SLMsmart Health Shake for breakfast or had something that was high in protein. When I felt 'snacky' at night I used SLMsmart Crave Control. My clothes continued to fit more and more loosely. When the challenge ended and I put my before-and-after photos next to each other and couldn't believe what I had accomplished in such a short amount of time. When you change the way you eat, do the workouts, and take the supplements, it works, and it works fast. This challenge not only changed my habits, it changed my family's habits."

Synergy WorldWide Blog

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Synergy WorldWide Blog

Elite Honors Spotlight: Nick & Penny Neufeld

Posted: 19 Nov 2015 09:24 AM PST

Month after month, Team Members are discovering just how much is attainable when they set a goal to become Elite Honors Qualified each month. Team Members who have qualified multiple months are seeing the fruits of their labors and some are going the extra mile by maintaining their highest pin titles to earn the Go Elite Promotion bonus.

Nick and Penny Neufeld, Stars from British Columbia, Canada, understand what it means to be busy. Caring for and homeschooling seven children is a full-time job on its own, however, Nick has a full-time job as a general contractor, and both Nick and Penny make time every day to kindle their Synergy business. Chuck Pinnell introduced Synergy to Nick and Penny, and they finally got involved in the business after noticing the real and impactful effects that Synergy products were having on a handful of their immediate family members' lives. Once friends and family began to notice differences in the Neufeld household's health, they started asking questions. Synergy product orders followed from people in their neighborhood, people Nick works with, and people at church.

As new Synergy distributors, Nick and Penny have latched onto the Elite Honors concept because it gives them a straightforward approach in monthly goal setting. In October, the couple became Elite Honors qualified and earned a Go Elite bonus! They will continue working toward Elite Honors qualification each month to help them reach the Bronze title.

"Chuck Pinnell is an incredible mentor and has been in network marketing for years, so we feel fortunate to have him on our side. He introduced Elite Honors to us, but didn't push it. We were originally worried about joining a network marketing company because I was involved in one before and it was too time consuming. I couldn't be at home helping with the kids after work because I would go to meeting after meeting. Synergy isn't this way, though. So far, everything has been attainable, including Elite Honors. Becoming Elite Honors qualified and earning the Go Elite bonus was definitely a goal we set, and it was nice to know it was achievable. I have a new distributor who said the same thing. He loves having small goals to reach for that are already established.

We see the potential with Synergy, and with only one income currently running our household, sharing products we already love to earn a second income seems like the perfect setup. Finding Synergy has been huge for us. We have not only found a great business opportunity, we've found products that have changed our home life for the better. Stumbling across ProArgi-9+ and the other Synergy products has been a blessing."


Posted: 19 Nov 2015 09:24 AM PST

Synergy Customer Service and the Synergy Store will be closed Thursday, November 26 and Friday, November 27 for the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday.

Normal business hours will resume on Monday, November 30.

If you have any business that needs to be taken care of with Customer Service, please call earlier in the week. We will do everything we can to accommodate your needs before and after the holiday.

Thank you for your cooperation and Happy Thanksgiving from Synergy headquarters!


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Best Regard
Untuk info lebih lanjut :
Wa/VB/LINE/📞📩: +6281999650025
Bb  PIN:518618E6
"a trully comfort detoxification program"
 - A professionally detox program designed for Your Greater Health - Slim - No Yoyo - Anti Aging  - Great Stamina. 
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Tanggal:16/11/2015 03:10 (GMT+08:00)


Ini 7 manfaat tersembunyi dari bayam

Posted: 15 Nov 2015 07:29 AM PST

Ini 7 manfaat tersembunyi dari bayam

Bayam adalah sayuran berdaun hijau yang diberkati dengan berbagai manfaat kecantikan. Mengonsumsi bayam secara teratur membantu kita melawan proses penuaan. Bayam sarat dengan antioksidan seperti vitamin A, C, magnesium, zat besi, kalium dan asam oxilic yang sangat penting untuk kesehatan rambut dan kulit.

Nutrisi yang hadir dalam bayam juga membantu kita memerangi berbagai masalah kulit seperti psoriasis, eksim dan kulit kering. Bayam juga mampu memperkuat jaringan kulit karena menyediakan cahaya alami. Jadi, berikut ini beberapa manfaat kecantikan terbaik dari bayam.

1. Merangsang pertumbuhan rambut
Bayam sangat kaya akan vitamin B,C,E, potasium, magnesium, zat besi, dan asam lemak omega 3 yang penting untuk pertumbuhan rambut. Zat besi yang ada di dalamnya membantu sel-sel darah merah membawa oksigen ke folikel rambut yang sangat diperlukan untuk kekuatan helai rambut.

2. Mencegah rambut rontok
Anemia sebagai akibat dari kurangnya zat besi dapat menjadi salah satu penyebab rambut rontok.Zat besi yang ada dalam bayam dapat membantu kita memerangi rambut rontok. Tidak heran bayam adalah makanan super yang sangat baik untuk rambut. Minum segelas jus bayam secara teratur membantu kita mencegah rambut rontok secara alami.

3. Meremajakan Kulit
Karena bayam merupakan sumber vitamin A dan C, dia juga sangat efektif untuk menjaga keremajaan kulit. Kandungan vitamin A meningkatkan warna kulit. Di sisi lain, vitamin C memainkan peran penting untuk regenerasi sel. Kedua kandungan ini membantu memperbaiki kulit yang rusak dan meratakan warna kulit.

4. Membuat kulit bercahaya
Bayam memiliki kemampuan untuk membuat kulit tampak bercahaya. Jumlah vitamin K di dalamnya membuat kulit menjadi bersinar dan mulus dengan mengurangi noda dan bintik-bintik gelap yang ada pada kulit. Bayam bahkan mampu mengurangi jerawat dan menghilangkan lingkaran hitam.

5. Anti Penuaan
Radikal bebas sangat berperan pada kerusakan kulit sekaligus menjadi penyebab penuaan dini. Bayam yang mengandung antioksidan mampu menghancurkan radikal bebas dalam tubuh. Hal ini sangat membantu kita untuk memerangi keriput, garis-garis halus dan mengencangkan kulit yang kendor.

6. Tabir surya
Vitamin B yang terkandung dalam bayam cukup efisien melindungi kulit dari sinar ultra violet. Sinar berbahaya dari matahari ini yang menyebabkan kerusakan kulit, kanker kulit dan penuaan dini. Antioksidan yang hadir dalam bayam berperan sebagai tabir surya alami.

7. Mengatasi jerawat
Bayam sangat efektif untuk menyembuhkan jerawat dan menjaga kulit yang sehat. Properti kulit penyembuhan dari bayam membantu untuk menyingkirkan jerawat dengan membersihkan racun dari saluran pencernaan dan aliran darah.

Makanan kesukaan si popeye ini ternyata sangat baik untuk kesehatan dan kecantikan kulit kita. Mengonsumsinya sebagai sayuran, jus,ataupun menjadikannya smooothies hijau adalah cara yang efektif untuk mendapatkan manfaatnya.

Potongan 2-3 Iris Lemon Direndam di Air Panas Ternyata 10. 000 X Lebih Kuat Dari Kemoterapi

Posted: 14 Nov 2015 02:00 PM PST

Potongan 2-3 Iris Lemon Direndam di Air Panas Ternyata 10. 000 X Lebih Kuat Dari Kemoterapi

Potong 2-3 irisan lalu dimasukkan ke gelas, imbuhkan air panas, air lemon bakal jadi sedikit " keruh ", minum setiap hari dapat menyehatkan badan kita.

Air lemon panas dapat melepaskan zat anti kanker dalam tubuh kita, hal semacam ini jadi penyembuhan kanker terbaru dalam dunia kedokteran. Es air lemon cuma memiliki kandungan vitamin C, sama seperti tomat, dari pada langsung makan, lebih baik dimasak dahulu dengan baik,
karena tomat mentah tak memiliki kandungan lycopene.

Lemon merupakan buah ajaib yang bisa membunuh sel kanker, 10. 000 kali lebih kuat dari kemoterapi, namun tak menghasilkan efek samping seperti kemoterapi. Saat tekanan darah terlampau tinggi, lemon bisa mengatur tekanan darah, antidepresan serta gangguan neurologis, 10. 000 kali lebih baik dari obat, lemon bisa memperlambat perkembangan sel kanker. Diekstraksi dengan therapy lemon, cuma akan menghancurkan sel-sel ganas, namun tak mempengaruhi sel-sel sehat.

Juice lemon, asam sitrat serta lemon polifenol, bisa secara efektif mencegah tromboemboli vena, menyesuaikan aliran darah, mengurangi penggumpalan darah. Saya saat ini tahu bahwa lemon merupakan buah yang sangat baik, yuk share dengan teman dan keluarga biar mereka juga tau!

Synergy WorldWide Blog

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Synergy WorldWide Blog

Elite Honors Spotlight: Sandra Rangel

Posted: 13 Nov 2015 02:17 PM PST

Month after month, Team Members are discovering just how much is attainable when they set a goal to become Elite Honors Qualified each month. Team Members who have qualified multiple months are seeing the fruits of their labors and some are going the extra mile by maintaining their highest pin titles to earn the Go Elite Promotion bonus.

Sandra Rangel, a Bronze from Florida, is a medical doctor from Columbia who now practices holistic medicine. After dealing with some of her own medical complications, her views on what it takes to be healthy shifted. While in Finland, Sandra met Emerald Executives Eric and Kati Gammals who introduced her to Synergy. Being a doctor, Sandra knows that the majority of health supplements manufactured today should not be trusted. However, after meeting the brains behind Synergy's quality and research teams, touring Nature's Sunshine's and Synergy's manufacturing facility, and exploring the Hughes Center for Research and Innovation, she knew Synergy products were different. She has been recommending Synergy products to her clients, friends, and family ever since.

"Eric and Kati challenged me to become Elite Honors Qualified, and I've accomplished this challenge two months in a row. They have been great examples to me. I know that if I continue to become Elite Honors Qualified I can build a stable income and live freely. I believe in Synergy products, and by believing in them I am also earning a living and building something bigger. I have a broader vision of what's possible through Synergy.

I am encouraging others to become Elite Honors Qualified now. I'm telling them there is a way to succeed in this business. I've seen the Gammals' success and made them my mentors. They are leading me and helping me understand the importance of duplication. The goal is to continue qualifying and help others to do the same."

Synergy WorldWide Blog

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Synergy WorldWide Blog

Elite Honors Spotlight: Cheuntel Kunkler

Posted: 12 Nov 2015 03:36 PM PST

Month after month, Team Members are discovering just how much is attainable when they set a goal to become Elite Honors Qualified each month. Team Members who have qualified multiple months are seeing the fruits of their labors and some are going the extra mile by maintaining their highest pin titles to earn the Go Elite Promotion bonus.

Cheuntel Kunkler, a Star from California, is a healer who helps people regain their health through natural remedies. She created a wellness program for her clients that includes Synergy products. After changing her poor health around, she found purpose in helping others do the same thing. She turned to nutrition and ingredients that are found in Synergy products to help her on her journey to wellness. Cheuntel has been an entrepreneur for 25 years and a Synergy Team Member for two years.

Due to her background in entrepreneurism, she said she has been introduced to a number of direct selling companies, but found that Synergy WorldWide fit best with her personal beliefs and goals.

Her Synergy business has been primarily focused on bringing in customers, but now that her customers have built a belief in the product, Cheuntel as seen a growing interest in her customers wanting to become distributors.

"My sponsor Bill Muth encouraged me to sign up two distributors in October, so I did both the last day of the month! I work full time and usually do 10-12 massages per day, so I have a lot on my plate, so I rely on the people who come through my studio door to become my customers and distributors. I keep Synergy product in stock in my studio at all times and I get a lot of customers this way. I make my Synergy business part of what I do every day.

I'm driven to help others, and through Elite Honors and the Go Elite Promotion I'm rewarded for helping, which is amazing. I do what I can to help people every day and Synergy is part of my toolbox. I researched Synergy for a long time before signing up. I have high expectations because I'm extremely organic and only purchase products have not been treated with chemicals, but Synergy's integrity and its products are up to par with my standards."