Synergy WorldWide Blog

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Synergy WorldWide Blog

Connect with Synergy on Instagram!

Posted: 29 Sep 2015 08:03 AM PDT

For all things Synergy, follow Synergy WorldWide on Instagram under the account name @synergyworldwide!

It is now your mission to go to your Instagram account, search @synergyworldwide, and follow us.

Why follow us?
  1. We will randomly select Instagram followers for Synergy merchandise and product giveaways. Mention @synergyworldwide or use the hashtag #synergyworldwide in all of your Synergy-related photos and there is a good chance we'll repost them! 
  2. Find out what fellow Synergy WorldWide customers and Team Members from all over the world are up to. You may even learn a thing or two from them!
  3. Similar to our Facebook pages and blogs, our Instagram account is another avenue you can use to stay up-to-date on the latest Synergy happenings. 
  4. We promise to inspire you to Leave a Legacy with the fun images and messages we post! 
Don't have an Instagram account? Well, you might want one! Instagram is an online mobile photo-sharing and video-sharing social media service that is connecting more than 300 million people all over the world through imagery.

Track Your Elite Honors Progress in Pulse

Posted: 28 Sep 2015 12:59 PM PDT

With the launch of Elite Honors, we've created a concise, easy-to-navigate, tracking system on the dashboard of your Pulse account. Simply log in to Pulse and you'll notice a new fixture that will help you in your pursuit to become Elite Honors Qualified and maximize your Synergy business's potential.

Here are a few things you will want to note to understand how the tracker works:
  1. Click the "learn more" button in the top right hand corner for the Elite Honors flier and worksheet document. This document will tell you everything you need to know about becoming Elite Honors Qualified.
  2. The TC 1 Volume bar shows how much volume you've accumulated in Tracking Center 1 in the current month
     Reminder: You need 600 CV in TC 1 to qualify.
  3. The activation bar shows how much new distributor volume you've accumulated in the current month.
    • Reminder: You need 200 CV in Activation volume to qualify
  4. The Go Elite Bonus bar shows how many new and old Team Members you have personally sponsored that are Elite Honors Qualified. This bar also shows the bonus amount you will earn in your next commissions payout based on how many EHQ Team Members you have sponsored.
  5. Do you have an active Autoship template? The bottom-left module will let you know.
  6. As you become an Elite Honors Qualifying professional, you will see the number of times you have qualified rise with each month you complete all EHQ requirements in the bottom-right module.
  7. Finally, are you Elite Honors qualified this month? We'll give you a straight answer in the top right corner with a green "yes" box or a red "no" box, so you will never question where you stand.
Happy qualifying!

Synergy WorldWide Blog

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Synergy WorldWide Blog

Legacy Retreat 2016

Posted: 25 Sep 2015 01:39 PM PDT

Synergy's Legacy Retreat is returning to the Western Hemisphere, landing at the most iconic tropical destination North America has to offer: Hawaii! 

Qualified Team Members will rest easy at the Hilton Waikoloa Village located on Kona, Hawaii's largest island, January 7-11, 2016.

The Kona coast is one of Hawaii's most coveted travel destinations. From rolling acres of rich coffee farmland to its inviting beaches perfect for offshore adventures, it's not hard to see what makes this such a gorgeous hideaway. Whether you're eager to see the temples and petroglyphs at Puuhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park or looking forward to a relaxing day in the warm Pacific sun, the village of Waikoloa has it all. Reward yourself with the tropical adventure of a lifetime!

The Legacy Retreat 2016 qualification period is January 1 - December 31, 2015. Click here to see how you can qualify for Kona!

Great news Synergy Team Members! Now you can stay up to date on how many Legacy Retreat points you're earning by logging into your Pulse account.

Check out the 2015 Legacy Retreat recap video from Dubai and get a taste for what you can look forward to.

Synergy WorldWide Blog

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Synergy WorldWide Blog

Elite Honors Spotlight: Judy Feldhausen

Posted: 23 Sep 2015 11:44 AM PDT

With three Elite Honors qualification months behind us, Team Members are continuing to discover just how much is attainable when they set a goal to become Elite Honors Qualified each month. Team Members who have qualified multiple months are seeing the fruits of their labors and some are going the extra mile by maintaining their highest pin titles to earn the Go Elite promotion bonus.

Click here to learn how to become Elite Honors Qualified and earn a Go Elite bonus.

Judy Feldhausen, a Silver from Chicago, became Elite Honors Qualifed for the second month in a row and recently earned a $300 Go Elite bonus for maintaining her highest pin title. Though Judy is busy helping her husband with his electrical contracting business, working as a life coach, and traveling to and from Colorado every other month to see her grandchildren, she makes time to actively pursue the Synergy business she has been building for more than two years. Over the last few months, Judy said Elite Honors has helped simplify business building and the way the business is explained to incoming distributors.

"The system has been explained in a very simplistic manner, one that anyone could understand. It makes people understand where their sales need to come from. For me, I like being able to have three areas to focus on. I'll start with one area of focus, maybe customers, and once that area has been satisfied for the month, I move onto the next thing. Before Elite Honors, my goals were centered around achieving the next pin level. This goal hasn't changed, but now there is an interim action item that will help me achieve that next level. I'm taking it one bite at a time.

Not only am I trying to achieve Elite Honors Qualification every month, Synergy gives me the help I need to support my team, which lets me know that Team Members and Synergy Headquarters are working as a team. When I support my team I don't catch a fish for them. I teach them how to catch a fish. If a Team Member is trained well and given all of the resources they need to succeed, Elite Honors is absolutely attainable."

Synergy WorldWide Blog - Singapore & Malaysia

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Synergy WorldWide Blog - Singapore & Malaysia

Synergy products have been trusted by some of the best athletes

Posted: 23 Sep 2015 12:09 AM PDT

Synergy products have been trusted by some of the best athletes preparing for the world's toughest competitions. We are proud to sponsor Team IAM Cycling from Switzerland and their Tour de France Top 10 finisher Matthias Brändle. Watch the video to see why Matthias trusts Synergy products for fuel and recovery during his training. 

Rules of Fearless Contacting by Peppe Lucio, Pearl Executive

Posted: 22 Sep 2015 02:29 AM PDT

People from all over Europe always ask me for my network marketing success secrets. My answer is simple and is always the same: duplication. How do we duplicate? Engage others daily, speak passionately, and never stop doing either of these things.

Learning how to contact and speak to people is the hardest part of this business. Once you figure out how to connect with others, everything else comes easily.

Don't be afraid
Sharing Synergy's opportunities with others is our main objective. If we want to change lives we must learn how to be fearless and open our mouths.

If you truly believe in what you're doing it should be easy to approach someone and say, "Hello, how are you? I want to speak with you about a beautiful project I'm working on with a special company if I can have 15-20 minutes of your time."

The people you speak to need to feel your energy. We must recruit not just to recruit, but to build something that lasts. We must continue to do this day after day, always learning from what works and what doesn't.

Be ready to speak up
No matter where you are—at a bar, on the train, at the gym or running errands—you must be prepared to engage someone in a conversation about Synergy. You never know, you could find the business partner you've been looking for today. If you don't engage the people around you, you may miss out on a major opportunity.

I travel constantly and find myself sitting next to new faces on a daily basis. I'll often talk to the person I sit next to on the train and tell them I'm headed to a meeting to discuss an exciting business opportunity. I give them my card and I ask if I can send a few brochures and product samples to their home and then follow up with them later. Growth in your business begins with the word, "Hello."

Have meaningful conversations
Many of my colleagues make the mistake of beginning conversations by talking about the products. The person you have approached with your product proposition will almost always say they aren't interested or they're using another line of products. This is where conversations come to a dead end.

Instead, begin your conversation by explaining that a company called Synergy WorldWide has the power to change their life. Introducing the product comes later. Tell your contact that you are working on a project that can improve their life. This is a real opportunity, not just another company trying to take a handful of money from you. When you prove to them that you are in the business of helping them achieve greatness, you'll find that they start listening more intently.

You should then ask what they want to get out of the opportunity. We need to specialize in putting ourselves in other people's shoes. If we make a good connection with our contacts, awakening their hearts, their minds and their passions, they will join us. If we can help them pinpoint the areas of their lives that could be improved with Synergy's opportunity, they will begin to understand Synergy WorldWide's greater purpose—leaving a legacy.

Perhaps the most impactful thing you can share with a prospective distributor is your own success story, including what you did before joining Synergy WorldWide and what improvements have been made since then. Practice telling your story in 1-2 minutes. They'll be more inclined to learn more if there is proof that this opportunity worked for you. Above all else, we are changing lives through financial freedom. The product is the engine that allows us to obtain financial freedom. Before selling a product, we sell a way of life with unlimited possibilities.

Never stop searching
Imagine that you're walking down a crowded sidewalk on a busy street with your son trailing close behind. You look back and cannot find him. Do you continue walking? Of course not. You immediately begin to search for him. You do everything in your power to find him. We must work with this same determination in our Synergy businesses.

We often wander blindly in our own lives, simply trying to get through the days. Most people are letting their lives pass them by. Many people have dreams, but attaining those dreams is out of the question because they don't have the means or resources to go after them. I make sure to tell new contacts that in order to get the things they want in life they must change themselves. I want people to dream again. We are living in a world where we do not dream and we want people to know that we have the tools to help them dream again.

Synergy WorldWide Blog

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Synergy WorldWide Blog

Prospect with Synergy Tools

Posted: 21 Sep 2015 03:26 PM PDT

Are you using Synergy tools to elevate the way you do business? Dozens of resources are available to you through Pulse, the shopping cart, on your mobile device, on the corporate website, and more.
As you continue conducting your business using the Elite Wealth and Elite Health platforms, use all of the tools that have been created for your success.

Synergy Mobile App

Welcome to Synergy's new hub for business on the go. Most people carry their phones with them at all times, making it the most convenient place to organize business information. The new Synergy mobile app has dozens of capabilities including 3-way calling, event invites and alerts. This app also acts as a Synergy library storing useful presentations, videos and testimonials that can be easily shared with prospective customer and distributors.

> Click here to learn more and purchase.

Pique Interest Cards

The name of this sales tool says it all. The Elite Health and Elite Wealth Pique Interest Cards were designed to prompt their recipients to learn more about Synergy's opportunities. They easily fit into a pocket, folder or briefcase and provide a space to write contact information for a more detailed follow-up.

> Click here to learn more and purchase.

Tear-off Pads

Make the Elite Health and Elite Wealth tear-off pads the center of every initial Synergy conversation. Each tear-off pad contains 50 one-page presentations that the presenter can "tear off" and give to the prospective customer or Team Member. Bring the tear-off pads to a lunch appointment to make Synergy the focus of any conversation.

> Click here to learn more and purchase.

Fact Sheets

Use the six Elite Health fact sheets to introduce Synergy's six product categories—ProArgi-9+, Heart Health, Core Nutrition, Weight Management, Fitness, and Personal Care. These fact sheets summarize the benefits of each product within the six products lines and describes the health goals attached to each product line. Fact sheets will make needs-based selling easy!

> Click here to view.

Elite Honors Worksheet

Forgot how to qualify for Elite Honors Club? This worksheet takes the Synergy Team Member through the necessary steps to earn at least $500 in three months. Follow the worksheet instructions to be Elite Honors qualified and earn higher commissions.

> Click here to view.


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Banyak penyataan dari suami/istri yg pasangannya berperut buncit, mereka merasa BANGGA punya banyak lemak di perut pasangannya.

Baca ini ya :

1. Visceral Fat(lemak perut) terletak di rongga² dekat usus&hati.

Jenis lemak ini memiliki hubungan langsung dg peningkatan kadar kolesterol jahat (LDL) dan menurunkan kadar kolesterol baik (HDL). Tingginya HDL dan rendahnya HDL menyebabkan pengendapan kolesterol di pembuluh darah termasuk pembuluh darah koroner yg membawa darah ke otot² jantung.
Penyempitan arteri koroner akibat aterosklerosis dapat mengarah pada serangan jantung. Dan banyak orang meninggal dan tak tertolong akibat kondisi ini.

2. Perut Buncit berhubungan dgn sindrom metabolik, yakni kombinasi mematikan dari perut buncit, tekanan darah tinggi, resistensi insulin dan kolesterol diatas level normal.

Secara umum seseorang yg memiliki sindrom metabolik 2x lebih mungkin untuk mengembangkan penyakit jantung.

Selain itu, orang dgn kondisi ini memiliki 5x lebih banyak risiko mengalami penyakit diabetes mellitus.

3. Perut Buncit terkait dgn asma&sesak nafas.

Sebuah studi (Universitas di Norwegia) menemukan bhw orang dgn obesitas sentral 1,8x lebih mungkin untuk terserang asma dibandingkan orang dgn berat badan normal.

Sindrom Obesitas hipoventilasi adalah kondisi pada orang buncit/kegemukan di mana pernapasan yg buruk akan menurunkan kadar oksigen dalam darah mereka.

Lemak perut berlebihan mengganggu hasil mekanisme pernapasan.
Rendahnya tingkat oksigen di otak dan organ vital lainnya menyebabkan masalah kesehatan yg serius termasuk gagal jantung

4. Perut Buncit juga menyebabkan seseorang menjadi tidur mengorok (obstructive sleep apnea) jangan pernah anggap sepele mengorok tsb. karena kondisi ini ternyata juga berperan dlm penyebab penting dari tekanan darah tinggi, kelelahan fisik dan depresi.

Masih mau menumpuk lemak dalam tubuhmu ?

Detox Your Body™ smartdetox  is needed !


Discount khusus # buat penerima email ini saja. 


Best Regard
Untuk info lebih lanjut :
Wa/VB/LINE/📩: +6281999650025
Bb  PIN:518618E6
"a trully comfort detoxification program"
 - A professionally detox program designed for Your Greater Health - Slim - No Yoyo - Anti Aging  - Great Stamina.
 - smartdetox - sehat - langsing - bugar - no yoyo - toxin free - awet muda
Terkirim dari denpasar bali solo jawa kalimantan samarinda papua medan aceh jogya jakarta bekasi

Synergy WorldWide Blog

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Synergy WorldWide Blog

Your Elite Honors Support System

Posted: 18 Sep 2015 04:01 PM PDT

Dozens of Team Members in North America have proven that the Elite Honors business model is the most rewarding way to conduct a Synergy business. 

Through Elite Honors, you have the potential to
  • Maximize the power of Synergy's Compensation Plan
  • Provide an optimal blend of quick upfront money and a long-term residual income
  • Create a solid foundation on which a stable business can be built
  • Provide a compelling, easy-to-explain story to new and existing Team Members and customers
  • Create a uniform, duplicatable building strategy that unites Synergy markets around the world
Now that you know why you should become Elite Honors Qualified, we want to make sure you have the tools necessary to follow through with your Elite Honors goals. 

Here are some resources to use:
  • If you want a quick reference that explains how to become Elite Honors Qualified and take advantage of the limited-time Go Elite Promotion, click here.
  • To track your qualification progress, use the Elite Honors Worksheet.
  • Coming soon, you will be able to track your progress toward becoming Elite Honors Qualified in Pulse!
  • Lean on your upline and entire team for knowledge and support as you recruit new distributors and customers to achieve your goals.
  • Attend as many meetings and events as you can so that you become confident with the Elite Honors system and listen to advice from those who have been successful with it. 
As you make Elite Honors your top priority each month, be sure to use all of your resources for heightened success! Good luck on your continued journey to Elite Honors!

Synergy WorldWide Blog

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Synergy WorldWide Blog

Elite Honors Spotlight: Scott Jacobs & Melanie O'Neill

Posted: 16 Sep 2015 09:59 AM PDT

With three Elite Honors qualification months behind us, Team Members are continuing to discover just how much is attainable when they set a goal to become Elite Honors Qualified each month. Team Members who have qualified multiple months are seeing the fruits of their labors and some are going the extra mile by maintaining their highest pin titles to earn the Go Elite promotion bonus.

Click here to learn how to become Elite Honors Qualified and earn a Go Elite bonus.

Scott Jacobs and Melanie O'Neill, a Silver team from Massachusetts, became Elite Honors Qualified for the first time in August after attending Business Builder Conference 2015 in Salt Lake City. Complementing each other perfectly, Scott is the face of the business while Melanie manages the back office and keeps operations running smoothly. Though Scott has an intensive full-time job, running his construction company, he still finds time in between tasks to make Synergy calls because helping people with Synergy products is an important part of his life. He is a firm believer that if you find something that is truly important you, you will make it happen.

"Even though I'm busy with my company, I still found time to become Elite Honors Qualified. This goal is very attainable. I've actually doubled the customer volume I needed to be Elite Honors Qualifed. What works for me is starting new customers out on SLMsmart Body Cleanse because it's affordable and effective. This builds the customer's belief in Synergy products and they almost always want to try more. I talk to most of my construction customers about Synergy. I just make it work. I'm always finding new ways to incorporate conversations about Synergy into my daily life. If you are really interested in a building a business, excuses will not work.

When you get a fresh start next month, just go for it. I love Elite Honors and Go Elite. It gives everyone incentive. These programs establish smaller, achievable goals, and when you have an achievable goal in front of you, your confidence will grow as you work toward it and achieve it. It's an excellent tool in confidence building. And it's OK if you don't quite make it one month. You may be at the doorstep of reaching your goal but this will give you that much more incentive to qualify the next month.

Remember, everything takes time. You have to build belief in people and properly train them so that they will duplicate the Elite Honors model, and that's the common denominator. Be patient and let your downline develop. This is not a get rich overnight model. This is long-term residual income." 

Synergy WorldWide Blog - Singapore & Malaysia

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Synergy WorldWide Blog - Singapore & Malaysia

Malaysia Title Plus Cash Reward and Incentive Qualifiers

Posted: 14 Sep 2015 10:18 PM PDT

We would also like to congratulate the following Team Members for their efforts in our Title Plus Promotion. Their hardwork earned them cash rewards:
Fu Huey Fen RM 1775.00
Ng Kim Pa         RM 1242.50
Chan Huan Seng RM 1242.50
Loh Chee Kuang RM 532.50
Cheah Hock Khoon RM 177.50
Chieng Tiong Ling RM 177.50
Su Teng Liang RM 177.50
Yew Shot Foon RM 88.75
Yeo Sio Chwee RM 88.75
Koay Boon Leong         RM 88.75

Also, these Team Members qualified for our Title Plus Incentive Trip to Yogyakarta, Jawa, in Indonesia to attend the Synergy Indonesia National Summit.
Alex Boh Fu Huey Fen
Wai Siew Hong Ng KIm Pa
Yu Siew Ing Chan Choung Ming
Loh Chee Kuang

Recognition: Malaysia Team Leader Ng Kim Pa

Posted: 14 Sep 2015 10:06 PM PDT

Inspiration comes in many forms. For Ng Kim Pa, he found inspiration in the many wonders of ProAgi-9 Plus by Synergy. "The Synergy product, ProArgi-9 Plus inspired me the most because of its effectiveness in improving my health," he said.

As a factory manufacturing consultant, Kim Pa is constantly on the go. But currently at the age of 61, he is experiencing some health issues. "I was having finger numbness when I wake up in the morning and I always feel bit tired when walking up the stairs," he said. He quickly sought out help from Alex Boh. And that's when Kim Pa first came to know about ProArgi-9 Plus.

Shortly, after 3 months, his condition improved significantly, and an elated Kim Pa signed up as a Team Member. "I introduced ProArgi-9 Plus to my friends and I asked them to try," he said. "Their blood pressure and sugar level normalized, and some even managed to clear their blocked arteries."

As his confidence grew, so does his team of dedicated downlines. Kim Pa put a lot of emphasis on commitment and team building among his donwlines, and he's able to see noticeable results. "I have regular meetings with my downlines, and I am very lucky to have devoted downlines," he said proudly. "We worked together as a team, day in, day out. Our efforts and teamwork has allowed me to achieve Team Leader!"

 "I would like to thank Alex and all team members for the sincere help and support I received along my journey in Synergy." Kim Pa said. "Special thanks to all my family members, brothers and sisters."

Waspadai Pengaruh Stress Terhadap Asam Lambung.

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Waspadai Pengaruh Stress Terhadap Asam Lambung.

Anda tentu pernah mengalami stress. Apapun profesi, kedudukan, maupun kegiatan  anda, tentu tak akan pernah lepas dengan kondisi jiwa yang tertekan. Tapi tahukah Anda bahwa stress ternyata dapat meningkatkan kadar asam lambung yang berpotensi mendatangkan berbagai jenis penyakit? 

Disalin dari terpopuler di google

( Info )
APA GOLONGAN DARAH Anda? tentu saja tidak sulit untuk menjawabnya,, tapi apakah anda tahu USIA PEMBULUH darah anda? meremaja atau meNua kah usia pembuluh darah anda? periksakan segera secara gratiss untuk mengtahui kondisi pembuluh darah sejak dini, penuaan pembuluh darah menyebabkan fungsi organ anda menurun.

Care to share,
Wa/VB/LINE/📞📩: +6281999650025
Bb  PIN:518618E6
"a trully comfort detoxification program"
 - A professionally detox program designed for Your Greater Health - Slim - No Yoyo - Anti Aging  - Great Stamina. 
 - smartdetox - sehat - langsing - bugar - no yoyo - toxin free - awet muda
Terkirim dari denpasar bali solo jawa kalimantan samarinda papua medan aceh jogya jakarta bekasi

Synergy WorldWide Blog

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Synergy WorldWide Blog

Elite Honors Qualifiers: August 2015

Posted: 11 Sep 2015 02:51 PM PDT

Team Members are still charging full steam ahead in pursuit of becoming Elite Honors Qualified for the first time or maintaining the EHQ title. The Elite Honors program is streamlining the way organizations do business with Synergy WordWide while maximizing each Team Member's earning potential. Team Members following the program are seeing the extra rewards that are made possible through the Go Elite promotion as they continue doing what they've been doing all along—building their Synergy businesses.

Congratulations to the August 2015 qualifiers:

1x qualifiers

Qualify for Elite Honors once and receive an Elite Honors pin, recognition letter, and online recognition.

Margie Dean, Team Leader
Melanie O'Neill & Scott Jacobs, Silver
Donald Bergagard, Silver
Barry Braxton, Star
K. Roger Carter, Star

2x qualifiers

Dawna Bruce, Team Manager
Sandra Kerner, Team Leader
Michael Burnett, Team Leader
David Munoz, Team Leader
Dan Schellkopf, Gold
Judy Feldhausen, Silver
Donald Clarke, Bronze
Steven Russon, Star

3x qualifiers

Qualify for Elite Honors three times and receive an Elite Honors Club Card, which can be used for a number of event perks, including VIP registration, special product promotions, and more!

Corinne Brandi, Pearl Executive
Lor Pace, Team Director
Dianne Sandberg, Team Leader
Tammy Hester, Bronze
Pauline Kehoe, Bronze

4x qualifiers

Mark Comer, Double Presidential Executive
Paul Blad & Rudy Pedroza, Presidential Executive
David Johnston, Emerald Executive
Steve Seely, Pearl Executive
Dan Hammer, Team Leader

To learn more about Elite Honors and the Go Elite Promotion, click here.

Congratulations to everyone who has achieved Elite Honors so far and a special congratulations to those who have achieved Elite Honors multiple times. We are impressed by your work ethic and belief, and we thank you for the examples you are to all those working toward building their Synergy businesses.

September is already off to a great start. Let's keep the momentum going! Train your team on the importance of becoming Elite Honors qualified through the Synergy Opportunity Webinar as you achieve this highly sought after title yourself. Can't wait to see the success that this month brings. Good luck!

Synergy WorldWide Blog

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Synergy WorldWide Blog

August 2015 Recognition

Posted: 10 Sep 2015 09:24 AM PDT

August 2015

Congratulations to the following Team Members throughout the United States and Canada. We look forward to your continued triumphs this year!

Rank Advancements

Scott Rosang

Carson Reese

G. Bradley Higginson
Lori Martin
John Cecere
Carol Roberts
Carson Reese
Donna Porteous
James Dicarlo
Thea Flock
Mary Kay Miller
Jake Groesbeck
JMB Elite Enterprizes

Top Recruiters 
Top North American Team Members (in order) that personally sponsored the most new Team Members

Impact Health Consulting, LLC
KC Michigan Group, Inc.
Reynold Diaz
Barry Brxton
Melanie O'Neill
Leonard Nickson
Paul Battista
Tammy Hester
MDB International
Steven Russon
Buak Su Kwak
Denni Tiegs
Dan Hammer Health, LTD
Judy Feldhausen
Glaudine Vanderhulst
Randy Anderson
Frank Moreno

Top Team Builders
Team Members (in order) with the most personally sponsored rank advancements

Tee & See Marketing, Inc.
SGB International
Cliff & Janice Rosang
Melanie O'Neill
MDB International
Andrea Woolford
Barry Petrina
Collin Goldman
Jonas Yoder
Deborah Hoffpauir
Daniel J. McNabb
Impact Health Consulting, LLC
Storm Intl.

Elite Health Call September

Posted: 09 Sep 2015 11:11 AM PDT

Synergy is dedicated to your Elite Health. We develop and manufacture the highest quality supplements with the goal of empowering men and women who wish to enjoy a healthy, productive life. Please join us TONIGHT,  SEPTEMBER 9th to learn more about our Elite Health products and the importance of taking care of you.


To Join, Dial: 1-800-832-4695
Pin: 8908#
Time: 7 PM Mountain time


Those who attended the Business Builder Conference earlier this year know Clinton for his fascinating presentation on the importance of nutrition and the current state of health in North America. Clinton works side by side with Dr. Matthew Tripp as the R&D Programs Manager for the Hughes Center for Research and Innovation. He has been a tremendous resource for Synergy's Medical and Scientific Advisory Board and Team Members around the world.

With more than eight years of experience in fields of science, Clinton is focused on the power of quality supplementation. He has supervised preclinical and phase one clinical work, filed patents, authored peer-reviewed publications and directed research efforts, all in the name of finding real health solutions for a world in need.

Invite your friends, family and anyone interested in learning more about achieving Elite Health to join this month's call. Remember, TONIGHT, September 9th, 7 PM Mountain Time!

Synergy WorldWide Blog - Singapore & Malaysia

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Synergy WorldWide Blog - Singapore & Malaysia

Recognition: Malaysia Team Leader: Wai Siew Hong

Posted: 09 Sep 2015 10:29 PM PDT

Prior to her fateful journey in Synergy, Wai Siew Hong has been working in the Health and Environmental industry, selling medical and environmental products. But a fateful encounter led her to Synergy, and her life changed for the better.

Having troubled by sensitive skin, she sought after medical advices from a family doctor. He recommended ProArgi-9 Plus. Siew Hong was intrigued by the many health benefits ProArgi-9 Plus can bring, and she decided to study further.

She met up with Joe Lee and Leong, among other distributors in Malaysia, and she learned in greater details about the ProArgi-9 Plus. That spearheaded her journey in Synergy, and she never looked back since.

She's been actively promoting Synergy's products such as ProArgi-9 Plus and SLM Meal Shake, and she receives positive responses. "ProArgi-9 Plus is one of the most unique products by Synergy WorldWide," she said. "It's listed in the Physicians' Desk Reference, and that's a huge selling point!"

From small meet-ups, health forums, and large seminars, Siew Hong patiently worked with her team of passionate downlines. With the help from her sponsors and uplines, she is advancing steadily in her Synergy business. "My sincere gratitude to Joe Lee, Leong, Alex Boh and Philip for all the support though out my journey."

Now, Siew Hong and her team are taking a leap of faith, crossing boundaries to uncharted markets, such as Hong Kong, Indonesia, and China. "I have faith in Synergy's products, because the products speak for themselves," she said.

Her most recent achievement as Team Leader is merely a beginning of many good things to come in Synergy. "Set up to help whoever in need. We have one of the most wonderful food and health supplements in the world, backed by science and technology," she said. "You reap what you sow. Sincerity is key to the business. Help others, and your business will definitely grow leaps and bounds."