Synergy WorldWide Blog

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Synergy WorldWide Blog

Customer Service Closing Early August 7

Posted: 30 Jul 2015 10:47 AM PDT

On Friday, August 7, Synergy WorldWide will be holding a company-wide staff meeting. So that all employees can attend, Customer Service and the Synergy store will close early.

Hours will be as follows:

Customer Service
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM (MST)

Synergy Store
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM (MST)

Please contact Customer Service at (801) 769-7800 before that time if you have any questions.


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obesitas atau kelebihan brat badan tentu saja bisa berdampak buruk bagi kesehatan karena obesitas dpat memicu datangnya berbagai penyakit sprt penyakit jantung, diabetes, gangguan oernafasan, permasalahan pada kulit, perubahan hormon, rasa nyerinpada persendian, peningkatan asam lambung, depresi, mendengkur saat tidur, sakit punggung, tekanan darah meningkat, datang bulan tidak teratur, varises, dll... itulah bebarapa bahaya akibat obesitas dimna sbagian besar diakibatkan oleh pola makan yg tidak sehat dan kurangnya olahraga sehingga toksin2 dan kemak menumpuk di dalam tubuh.

Jika anda ingin mendpatakn kesehatan yg optimal dan body yg ideal , segera lakukan program detox101, ,,

Dapatkan info lebih jelas ttg detox101 di  081999650025  Bbm   PIN 518618E6
Dapatkan juga cek kesehatan secara gratis          

lg di SOLO BARU.... SUKOHARJO nie admin....

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Untuk info lebih lanjut :
Wa/VB/LINE/📞📩: +6281999650025
Bb  PIN:518618E6
"a trully comfort detoxification program"
 - A professionally detox program designed for Your Greater Health - Slim - No Yoyo - Anti Aging  - Great Stamina. 
 - smartdetox - sehat - langsing - bugar - no yoyo - toxin free - awet muda
Terkirim dari denpasar bali solo jawa kalimantan samarinda papua medan aceh jogya jakarta bekasi

Synergy WorldWide Blog

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Synergy WorldWide Blog

Elite Honors Spotlight: Pauline Kehoe

Posted: 27 Jul 2015 02:15 PM PDT

Since the launch of the Elite Honors Club and the Go Elite Promotion, North America Team Members have adopted Elite Honors principles, applied them to their own businesses, and taught others to abide by the same business building structure for increased success.

Pauline Kehoe, a Bronze from Iowa, is a Five-Element Acupuncturist—a healer that seeks out the most exceptional health products to help her patients. In her short time with the company, Pauline said Synergy has changed her life and she will be a long-term ProArgi-9+ advocate. Her advocacy so far has led her to sign up many customers and distributors since joining Synergy in April 2015, and her work ethic landed her in the Elite Honors Club. In addition, she maintained her Bronze title, earning her $150 through the Go Elite promotion.

"Elite Honors has pushed me to give an extra effort to make a few more calls or send a few more emails each month. Just last night, it prompted me to reach out, and it resulted in a new Team Member! The distinction Elite Honors provides to focus on both customers and Team Members is key, because supporting people's needs builds relationships and teams. A preferred customer experiencing amazing results is someone who can become an incredible referral source or an enthusiastic Team Member.

There is nothing better than sharing a product that literally changed my life, my husband's life and the lives of many friends and colleagues. The results are staggering. When I hear about them it warms my heart and gives me chills. I have a great respect for Synergy and how supportive they are of their independent distributors. Never before have I been a part of a DSA company that has created a business structure that truly fosters growth and opportunity the way that Synergy Worldwide has."

Click here to learn more about Elite Honors and the Go Elite promotion.

Apa sih Perbedaan Detox & Diet ?

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Apa sih Perbedaan Detox & Diet ?

Banyak yang menyangka detoks dan diet hal yang sama .Ternyata Tidak. Diet tidak sama dengan detox .

Menjalankan metode yang salah malah justru berakibat buruk.

Diet dan Detox adalah 2 hal yang berbeda secara mendasar . Baik tujuannya maupun ritualnya

Apa Perbedaannya ?

*FOKUS hanya pada penurunan berat badan yang terlihat secara Fisik Tanpa memperhatikan kesehatan
*Jauh lebih rumit, membutuhkan pola ketat
*Membutuhkan jadwal yang tepat
*Diet lebih menjanjikan sesuatu yang terlihat mata seperti berat badan turun secara fisik saja

*Dengan melakukan diet masa tubuh akan dikontrol, karena makanan yang masuk harus melalui pertimbangan waktu dan gizi

*Diet juga memiliki banyak jenis : Low Calory diet, Low carbo diet, Low Fat Diet

*Harus konsultasi ke dokter jika ingin melakukan diet ketat terlebih dahulu. karena pembatasan kalori yang masuk dan tak dibarengi pengganti suplemen akan sangat berbahaya


*FOKUS pada pembersihan racun dari dalam tubuh, pembetulan mesin mesin tubuh seperti usus, darah, jantung, hati ginjal, yang jika organ tersebut telah dibersihkan dari segala racun maka organ tersebut yang mengeluarkan racun. 
Dan Efek sampingnya adalah racun keluar otomatis berat badan akan turun .

*Detox jauh lebih sederhana , tidak mmbutuhkan pola yang ketat

*Detox dapat didefinisikan sebagai "the poetry of simple living" karena menggarisi pola hidup yang simpel seperti
*Makan buah&sayuran organik
*Hanya tambahan minum air putih 
*Tidak yang soda, teh manis dll
*Berpuasa yg bertujuan membersihkan racun–racun yang berasal dari junk food, rokok, alkohol, dan pola tidur yang kacau

*Umumnya orang yang detoks akan merasa lebih segar fisik dan peningkatan ketenangan emosi

*Melalui Detoks Manusia lebih menghargai hidup karena akan menjaga tubuhnya supaya selalu sehat.. Sama seperti merawat rumah atau mobil kesayangannya

Lakukan Detox Your Body sebellum TELAT

Salam Sehat
Tetap Langsing
Makin Awetmuda


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Untuk info lebih lanjut :
Wa/VB/LINE/📞📩: +6281999650025
Bb  PIN:518618E6
"a trully comfort detoxification program"
 - A professionally detox program designed for Your Greater Health - Slim - No Yoyo - Anti Aging  - Great Stamina. 
 - smartdetox - sehat - langsing - bugar - no yoyo - toxin free - awet muda
Terkirim dari denpasar bali solo jawa kalimantan samarinda papua medan aceh jogya jakarta bekasi


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Say something about this.....


If You really CARE.....

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Untuk info lebih lanjut :
Wa/VB/LINE/📞📩: +6281999650025
Bb  PIN:518618E6
"a trully comfort detoxification program"
 - A professionally detox program designed for Your Greater Health - Slim - No Yoyo - Anti Aging  - Great Stamina. 
 - sehat - langsing - bugar - no yoyo - toxin free - awet muda
Terkirim dari solo jakarta samarinda papua lombok medan aceh kalimantan balikpapan


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Say something about this.....


Say something about this.....


If You really CARE.....

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Untuk info lebih lanjut :
Wa/VB/LINE/📞📩: +6281999650025
Bb  PIN:518618E6
"a trully comfort detoxification program"
 - A professionally detox program designed for Your Greater Health - Slim - No Yoyo - Anti Aging  - Great Stamina. 
 - sehat - langsing - bugar - no yoyo - toxin free - awet muda
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Demam Berdarah Dengue Membayangi Seluruh Dunia

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Jakarta Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) ternyata masih menjadi masalah kesehatan penting di Asia. Topik ini jadi salah satu pembahasan di Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Asia Pacific Strategy for Emerging Diseases (APSED) Juli 2015 di Manila.

Begitu disampaikan Kepala Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan (Balitbangkes) Kementerian Kesehatan Prof dr Tjandra Yoga Aditama melalui pesan elektronik, Senin (27/7/2015).

Melihat perkembangannya, di Jepang DBD tidak disebarkan oleh nyamuk Aedes aegypti seperti di Indonesia, tetapi nyamuk Aedes albopictus atau 'Tiger Mosquito'.

Di Singapura, empat jenis virus Dengue tetap ditemukan bersirkulasi, sehingga mereka menyebutya sebagai 'hyperendemic'.

"Jumlah kasus baru DBD meningkat 30 kali dalam 50 tahun ini. Diperkirakan kasus ini menimpa 390 juta setiap tahunnya, di lebih dari 100 negara. Setiap tahun sekitar setengah juta orang di dunia mengalami DBD berat, seringkali diikuti dengan Syok dan Perdarahan," katanya.

Selain itu, 40 persen penduduk dunia ada dalam risiko untuk mendapat sakit DBD, di negara Asia angka ini tentu lebih tinggi lagi. Mirisnya, penyakit ini menghabiskan anggaran sekitar US$ 2 Milyar di luar biaya pencegahan.

Pencegahan DBD dilakukan dengan beberapa cara, antara lain:

1. pengendalian vektor nyamuk, khususnya dengan program 3 M plus. Ini masih tetap jadi cara penanggulangan utama, dan jugga dilakukan berbagai riset di bidang ini.

2. Vaksin yang kini dikembangkan baru menunjukkan perlindungan sekitar 60%, yaitu :

- perlindungan 75% utk jenis virus Den- 3 dan Den- 4

- perlindungan 51% utk jenis virus Den- 1

- perlindungan 35% utk jenis virus Den- 2

3. Penelitian lain, seperti:

- menemukan jenis sel apa di tubuh manusia yang berpera

- kemungkinan pembentukan antibodi artifisial yang dapat menangani ke empat sub tipe virus Dengue di atas

- mencoba menekan populasi nyamuk

n dalam imunitas protektif

4. Dengan memperkuat system imun tubuh

  bagaimana caranya membenahi system umum tubuh kita klik berikut selengkapnya ......


SISTEM IMUN ( Detox tersedia di denpasar. Surbaya. Aceh . Samarinda . Papua . Jakarta . Solo. Jogyakarta )

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Tahukah bahwa ϑĩ dalam tubuh kita ª∂ā ribuan sistem yg membuat kita bisa hidup dengan normal?

Semuanya dikendalikan oleh sistem kontrol yg pusatnya di otak manusia, disebut System Syaraf Otonom.

Salah satu sistem yang disebut SDNN, adalah sebuah sistem yg mengatur sejauh mana kemampuan tubuh beradaptasi dengan lingkungan dan hal² yg berhubungan dengan pemicu² penyakit, seperti : bakteri, kuman, virus, parasit, radikal bebas, stress berkepanjangan, macet, hujan, banjir, panas dll

Jika kita seksama, maka setiap detik tubuh kita berperang melawan elemen² pemicu PENYAKIT

☑Suka / tidak suka
☑Setuju / tidak setuju
☑Disadari / tidak

Ibarat battle field(COMBAT) semakin besar kemampuan tubuh(complexity), maka kita akan sehat terus, dan selalu menang melawan penyakits

└åƍi ?

Memang banyak vendor yg menyediakan nutrisi, namun yg benar² paling layak dipercaya sbg Smart-Nutritions adalah produk² program ∂έ†σX Anda.

Bukan bermaksud mengecilkan arti produk lokal, tapi faktanya barometer industri herbal farmasi dan suplemen nutrisi masih ª∂ā ϑĩ Amerika, bukan dari Asia.(maaf)

Ibarat mengisi bahan bakar, tentu kendaraan Anda akan lebih hebat jika menggunakan ввм non subsidi Pertamax atau BioPertamax

"Bukan bensin oplosan dipinggir jalan bukan ?"

"Tubuh kita adalah satu²nya tempat bersemayamya Sang Jiwa"

☑Berikan yg terbaik
☑Berikan nutrisi kelas1

Begitulah pemahaman yg harus kita kenali, apalagi ketika saat perubahan iklim yg semakin ekstrim, kemarau, hujan dan banjir dimana² memungkinkan kita mudah sakit atau rentan tertular virus, bakteri atau kuman.

Apakah tubuh kita sudah dipersenjatai dengan sistem yg kuat ?

Kalau belum, segeralah !

Jangan menunggu SAKIT dulu,  baru minta Program Detox.
Order Now :

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Untuk info lebih lanjut :
Wa/VB/LINE/📞📩: +6281999650025
Bb  PIN:518618E6
"a trully comfort detoxification program"
 - A professionally detox program designed for Your Greater Health - Slim - No Yoyo - Anti Aging  - Great Stamina. 
 - smartdetox - sehat - langsing - bugar - no yoyo - toxin free - awet muda
Terkirim dari solo

SISTEM IMUN perkuat dengan detox promo setelah lebaran

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Tahukah bahwa ϑĩ dalam tubuh kita ª∂ā ribuan sistem yg membuat kita bisa hidup dengan normal?

Semuanya dikendalikan oleh sistem kontrol yg pusatnya di otak manusia, disebut System Syaraf Otonom.

Salah satu sistem yang disebut SDNN, adalah sebuah sistem yg mengatur sejauh mana kemampuan tubuh beradaptasi dengan lingkungan dan hal² yg berhubungan dengan pemicu² penyakit, seperti : bakteri, kuman, virus, parasit, radikal bebas, stress berkepanjangan, macet, hujan, banjir, panas dll

Jika kita seksama, maka setiap detik tubuh kita berperang melawan elemen² pemicu PENYAKIT

☑Suka / tidak suka
☑Setuju / tidak setuju
☑Disadari / tidak

Ibarat battle field(COMBAT) semakin besar kemampuan tubuh(complexity), maka kita akan sehat terus, dan selalu menang melawan penyakits

└åƍi ?

Memang banyak vendor yg menyediakan nutrisi, namun yg benar² paling layak dipercaya sbg Smart-Nutritions adalah produk² program ∂έ†σX Anda.

Bukan bermaksud mengecilkan arti produk lokal, tapi faktanya barometer industri herbal farmasi dan suplemen nutrisi masih ª∂ā ϑĩ Amerika, bukan dari Asia.(maaf)

Ibarat mengisi bahan bakar, tentu kendaraan Anda akan lebih hebat jika menggunakan ввм non subsidi Pertamax atau BioPertamax

"Bukan bensin oplosan dipinggir jalan bukan ?"

"Tubuh kita adalah satu²nya tempat bersemayamya Sang Jiwa"

☑Berikan yg terbaik
☑Berikan nutrisi kelas1

Begitulah pemahaman yg harus kita kenali, apalagi ketika saat perubahan iklim yg semakin ekstrim, kemarau, hujan dan banjir dimana² memungkinkan kita mudah sakit atau rentan tertular virus, bakteri atau kuman.

Apakah tubuh kita sudah dipersenjatai dengan sistem yg kuat ?

Kalau belum, segeralah !

Jangan menunggu SAKIT dulu,  baru minta Program Detox.
Order Now :

Best Regard
Untuk info lebih lanjut :
Wa/VB/LINE/📞📩: +6281999650025
Bb  PIN:518618E6
"a trully comfort detoxification program"
 - A professionally detox program designed for Your Greater Health - Slim - No Yoyo - Anti Aging  - Great Stamina. 
 - smartdetox - sehat - langsing - bugar - no yoyo - toxin free - awet muda
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Paket GOLd detoxs smart detox your body 101 232

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<3<3 langsing.. Langsing langsing... ({})

Habis lahiran badanmu ttp gmuk sulit buat langsing kembali,,?? Atau sudah gemuk dr kecil..? Trus mau langsing ideal...??

Hihihi gampang...minum nih pelangsing paling oke
No abal abalan
Di jamin ampuuuhhhh \=D/

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Untuk info lebih lanjut :
Wa/VB/LINE/📞📩: +6281999650025
Bb  PIN:518618E6
"a trully comfort detoxification program"
 - A professionally detox program designed for Your Greater Health - Slim - No Yoyo - Anti Aging  - Great Stamina. 
 - smartdetox - sehat - langsing - bugar - no yoyo - toxin free - awet muda
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Synergy WorldWide Blog

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Synergy WorldWide Blog

SLMsmart Challenge Winner: Eva Miller

Posted: 24 Jul 2015 08:59 AM PDT

Amazing men and women participated in the SLMsmart 90-day Challenge beginning February 2015. Participants all over the United States dedicated themselves to take big strides toward healthy living. Synergy WorldWide was honored to provide each participant with the necessary tools for healthy, maintainable weight management. The Challenge results were life-altering, and the challenge participants' success with SLMsmart will motivate many around the world to tackle their weight management goals.

1st Place Winner:

EVA MILLER of Delta, Colorado, was the SLMsmart 90-day Challenge grand prize winner! This mother of eight lost more than 58 pounds and 22% of her body weight.* Eva completed the Challenge alongside her husband Pete, and as a couple they lost a combined 90 pounds and 78 inches.

"When I heard about Synergy's 90-day Challenge, a desire to take control of my life was ignited. I set out on a journey determined to reach my goal of actually becoming fit—to build muscle and see a transformation instead of just being less fat. It wasn't always easy, but I strictly followed every workout provided by the 90-day Challenge and incorporated Synergy's life-changing products every day. The SLMsmart Shake, ProArgi-9+, e9 and Body Cleanse became staples during these three months. Aside from the number on the scale, I saw a transformation in my physique. I finally saw muscle I never thought I had! And most importantly, I feel good in my skin. I have my confidence and energy back, and I feel like a new person inside and out. My life has turned 180 degrees and I couldn't be more grateful to Synergy for providing the medium to get me to where I am today. This is the first step in not only changing my life, but hopefully helping many others do the same."

CLICK HERE to read Eva's SLMsmart story.

Synergy WorldWide Blog - Singapore & Malaysia

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Synergy WorldWide Blog - Singapore & Malaysia

Indonesia National Summit 2015

Posted: 23 Jul 2015 02:49 AM PDT

The truth about Synergy WorldWide

Posted: 23 Jul 2015 02:45 AM PDT

Synergy WorldWide Blog

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Synergy WorldWide Blog

Elite Honors Spotlight: Michelle Duncan

Posted: 23 Jul 2015 08:38 AM PDT

Since the launch of the Elite Honors Club and the Go Elite Promotion, North America Team Members have adopted Elite Honors principles, applied them to their own businesses, and taught others to abide by the same business building structure.

Michelle Duncan, a Silver from Indiana, was one of the Team Members who attended Business Builder Conference and left with a determination to jumpstart her business by following the Elite Honors structure. She went home and pushed through a few pending customers and distributors, and she made it! She worked incredibly hard during the weeks following BBC to achieve the Elite Honors title and and we are so appreciative of her efforts.

"When I came back from BBC I was able to use Elite Honors as a way of swaying my potential distributors' and customers' decisions to join. It also helped them decide whether being a customer or distributor would be best for them. I love that the Elite Honors and Elite Health concepts can be simply and clearly presented and that they work together.

I love that Elite Health makes recruiting customers and distributors more straight forward. When I first ordered Synergy product I didn't know what to order. Now, I can ask what a potential customer's health interests are, which, ultimately, will help recruit customers and help me become Elite Honors qualified. The way that Synergy is structured, and the way Elite Honors is structured, shows me that they know if they focus on helping business builders, that help will bounce back to them in the future."

Click here to learn more about Elite Honors and the Go Elite promotion.

Synergy WorldWide Blog - Singapore & Malaysia

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Synergy WorldWide Blog - Singapore & Malaysia

Introducing the New Mobile-friendly Pulse!

Posted: 22 Jul 2015 01:57 AM PDT

It can be difficult to manage a busy schedule, but this mobile-friendly Synergy feature will make managing your Synergy business easier and more convenient than ever! You're already familiar with Pulse, the back office site that lets you manage your business online. Now, meet the newly re-designed Pulse, specifically optimized for a streamlined mobile experience:

  • Leave the bulky laptop at home; you can now access your Pulse account easily from your smartphone or tablet.
  • Manage your product volumes while in between appointments and place orders while on the go with our new easy-to-navigate links.
  • Walk your newest customer through the sign-up process on the spot--no need to wait.
  • Add Pulse to your mobile browser bookmarks for even faster access!
In addition to making a more mobile-friendly experience, we have also given the desktop version of Pulse a more modern look and feel. Click here to check out the new design for your laptop or mobile!

Direct Selling Association Recognizes NSP and Synergy as Top Company

Posted: 22 Jul 2015 01:54 AM PDT

Synergy WorldWide's parent company, Nature's Sunshine Products (NSP), was recognized by the Direct Selling Association (DSA) as one of the 20 largest direct selling companies in the United States based on 2014 U.S. net sales.

DSA President, Joseph N. Mariano, presented Nature's Sunshine Chairman and CEO, Gregory L. Probert, with the award at the DSA's annual meeting in San Antonio, Texas.

"This award is a testament to the great work of our tremendous Synergy Team Members and NSP distributors, and the support that our corporate team provides them," Probert said. "We have a 43-year history as an innovator and industry leader in the health and wellness sector, and we're excited to add to that legacy by growing both Nature's Sunshine and Synergy to new and even greater heights."

According to the DSA's 2015 Growth & Outlook Report, the wellness category represents the largest major product group within the direct selling channel, growing from 21.4% in 2007 to 30.1% in 2014.

"It's no surprise that wellness products continue to lead the direct selling channel," Probert added. "And with our focus on innovative, science-based, premium quality products, Synergy WorldWide is well- positioned to take advantage of these trends as more people understand and pursue the benefits of a healthy lifestyle."

"I want to congratulate Nature's Sunshine and Synergy WorldWide not only for their longevity and track record of success, but also for their devotion to their distributors, customers and the DSA," Mariano said. "By working together with industry-leading companies like these, we continue to ensure that ethical business practices and customer satisfaction are priorities in the marketplace."

Synergy WorldWide Blog

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Synergy WorldWide Blog

Direct Selling Association Recognizes NSP and Synergy as Top Company

Posted: 21 Jul 2015 09:36 AM PDT

Synergy WorldWide's parent company, Nature's Sunshine Products (NSP), was recognized by the Direct Selling Association (DSA) as one of the 20 largest direct selling companies in the United States based on 2014 U.S. net sales. 

DSA President, Joseph N. Mariano, presented Nature's Sunshine Chairman and CEO, Gregory L. Probert, with the award at the DSA's annual meeting in San Antonio, Texas.

"This award is a testament to the great work of our tremendous Synergy Team Members and NSP distributors, and the support that our corporate team provides them," Probert said. "We have a 43-year history as an innovator and industry leader in the health and wellness sector, and we're excited to add to that legacy by growing both Nature's Sunshine and Synergy to new and even greater heights."

According to the DSA's 2015 Growth & Outlook Report, the wellness category represents the largest major product group within the direct selling channel, growing from 21.4% in 2007 to 30.1% in 2014.

"It's no surprise that wellness products continue to lead the direct selling channel," Probert added. "And with our focus on innovative, science-based, premium quality products, Synergy WorldWide is well- positioned to take advantage of these trends as more people understand and pursue the benefits of a healthy lifestyle."

"I want to congratulate Nature's Sunshine and Synergy WorldWide not only for their longevity and track record of success, but also for their devotion to their distributors, customers and the DSA," Mariano said. "By working together with industry-leading companies like these, we continue to ensure that ethical business practices and customer satisfaction are priorities in the marketplace."

Why Attend Synergy’s Qualification Events

Posted: 20 Jul 2015 04:38 PM PDT

Every summer, Synergy leaders look forward to an inspiring weekend in picturesque Park City for Leadership Academy. The presentations, activities, food, and company, will renew your love for Synergy WorldWide, and instill the passion necessary to carry out a strong year. Every Synergy WorldWide event is designed to build leaders and fortify belief.

Make attending Synergy's qualification events a high priority and you will be amazed by what follows.

This year's Leadership Academy qualifiers share what qualifying for Leadership Academy did for them and their business:

Eddie Pula, Hawaii

"The event was incredible because we had the opportunity to have our New Zealand leaders there to experience Synergy first hand. In the past couple of years our New Zealand team only had the Synergy experience through me and Pearl Executive Marty Holker. The trainings were amazing! There were many 'Aha!' moments and I can take those lessons to my team. This was my second time attending Leadership Academy and I still felt that I came away having learned a lot. It may have been information I've heard before, but like the old saying goes, 'When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.'"

Chuck Pinnell, British Columbia, Canada

"My wife and I really enjoyed it and found it valuable on a couple fronts. Synergy Founder Dan Higginson's presentation was motivating, inspiring, and comforting, because I understood how much thought he put into the company when he created it. I am confident now that I have long-term stability with Synergy. There was a relaxed nature to the event. There wasn't a lot of hype or false motivation. I appreciated the down-to-earth, real nature of it. The people with Synergy are real and easy to talk to, and everyone is very helpful."

Brent Burnett, Utah

"I went with a few members from my team and Leadership Academy really created a fire within them. They really understand their 'Why?' After the event, we've already seen a lot of excitement with new leads. It was nice to have both young and old people from my team there because they gave me a fresh perspective on marketing Synergy products. Talking with this diverse group was really eye-opening for me. Leadership Academy is an event I want all of my people to qualify for so they can understand how they need to act as a leader and what they can do as a leader. It plants a seed within them that will get them to the next level. It's a great opportunity to meet the corporate staff in person and to learn that you can't help yourself if you aren't helping other people."

Margie Dean, Utah

"I received top-notch training in a beautiful environment. I loved Stew's Go-Giver presentation and it was a great reminder that we will find our greatest success when we serve others. I loved learning more about the Elite Honors program and the path it gives us to follow so that we'll have financial success. I loved seeing the Hughes Research Center where we are continuously researching to improve our products. I enjoyed meeting other Team Members and learning how they run their businesses. There was learning every day, but there was also time to relax. It was very well planned."

EXTRA CASH (seri belajar memiliki penghasilan tambahan)

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(seri belajar memiliki penghasilan tambahan dari program smart detox101 Synergy worldwide )

Dibuka kesempatan menjadi TEAM LEADER Professional dengan hanya 3 Langkah Mudah :
✔ Berpengalaman Program
✔ Berbagi di sosial media
✔ Berlatih & Membangun Pondasi bersama 4 Team Bisnis

Qualifikasi standard :

⇨Hanya 3,9jt (kalau ĞӚӃ punya jangan lanjutkan membaca, end-chat saja)

⇨Produk berupa Paket Program Detox

⇨Bersedia menjadi KELINCI PERCOBAAN Program Detox101

⇨Memiliki Toko Online di 30 negara

⇨Balik Modal hanya butuh 2 bulan

⇨Retail Profit 30% bagi yang suka jualan Online

⇨Bonus Rabat 25% jika pembelian di atas quota minimal

⇨Bonus referensi 315.000 per orang

⇨Bonus Basic 10% Total Omset Group kecil (lemah) s/d 600.000.000 per bulan

⇨Bonus Mega~Matching 100% dari Basic Bonus orang² yg disponsori

⇨Leadership Bonus progressive dari 0.25%~4% total Omset Group Besar (kuat)

⇨Mereferensikan 4 orang maka pondasi bisnis menjadi Kokoh dan Solid

⇨Trip reward ke Kapal Pesiar Termewah di Asia~Pacific.

⇨Reward Mobil (Mitsubishi Outlander~2015)

⇨Legacy Retreat ke Kona, Hawaii (2016)
( cek link vidio : )

⇨Sistem DUAL LINEAR MEGA~MATCH terobosan terbaru industri Network Marketing kelas dunia (cek disini :

⇨Global Share Bonus 1% Total Omset Dunia, memiliki Omset Toko Online di seluruh dunia (potensi milyaran rupiah)


Detilnya silahkan belanja dulu di Toko Online kami ⇨

Best Regard
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Synergy WorldWide Blog

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Synergy WorldWide Blog

Elite Honors Spotlight: David Yost

Posted: 17 Jul 2015 02:00 PM PDT

Since the launch of the Elite Honors Club and the Go Elite Promotion, North America Team Members have adopted the principles, applied them to their own businesses, and taught others to abide by the same business building structure.

These same Team Members are now convinced that this is the most productive way to build a stable, profitable Synergy business, and see financial results quickly.

Click here to learn more about Elite Honors Club.

See what this Team Member had to say about his rewarding experience so far:

David Yost, Greenville, South Carolina

"I joined Synergy on June 2, and enrolled my first distributor in the middle of June. The Compensation Plan combined with Elite Honors is great, and I've had a lot of experience with different plans in the past. All I've done so far is drip emails about the product and opportunity to my email list of 400-500 people. I imagine that being even more proactive than this and hitting it even harder will produce even greater results. I earned $420 in my first month with Synergy, which is 20% commissions, and normally, most plans don't allow you to get paid that much at the lowest pin level.

Elite Honors is a solid starting point. All of the requirements are very attainable, and if you find that they aren't attainable at first, they will be over time as you establish yourself in network marketing. Being Elite Honors qualified is the way to go. When I talk to people about my experience with this plan they are impressed by its potential and my commissions after such a short period of time."